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Project name: Bishops Estate

Client: Hammerson

Bishops Estate abuts the north-western edge of the City of London, straddling it along with Islington and Tower Hamlets. Centring on the Bishopsgate Goods Yard, this area is in the process of major redevelopment. Landscape Projects were commissioned to provide a coherent framework for future public realm projects occurring within the estate.

An exhaustive study of the area, which amongst others included footfall, material, furniture and land use surveys, was collated in order to fully understand the diversity of the district. Landscape Projects were then able to organise street hierarchies with proposed materials, lighting and traffic reorganisation.

The survey included demographic analysis and with a view to the existing public space provision Landscape Projects were able to develop a strategic approach to the positioning of new public spaces within the district based on population needs and requirements.

The proposal has formed the basis for the Bishopsgate Goods Yard public realm design by both Landscape Projects and others working on the site.

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